My Top 1000 Songs #114: Stuck Inside Of Mobile...
As noted previously, I'm a pretty fair-weather Dylan fan; I tend to prefer his songs filtered through, say, the jangle & harmonies of The Byrds or the gentle Americana of Emma Swift or the casual thunder of the Grateful Dead or whomever. And while I eventually opened up to him more in adulthood (or at least to his mid/late-60s and early 70s work), I had little interest in his records as a kid. Indeed, I think the only reason I finally picked up Blonde On Blonde (tied for my favorite Dylan LP alongside Highway 61 Revisited) is because "Stuck Inside Of Mobile With The Memphis Blues Again" was name-checked in Hunter S. Thompson's Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas.
And damn I loved that book. I mean, I still love that book, one of my all-time faves... I pick it up every few years for a read-through... but in high school and college, I read and re-read it repeatedly. So, to this day, seeing or hearing the words "Mama, can this really be the end?" fills me with a tinge of sadness, knowing the journey is coming to a close. And then the joy returns, as it turns out our journey may in fact continue...
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