My Top 1000 Songs #158: Queen Of Eyes
Hitchcock's lyrical absurdism is on full display, though the rush of silly rhymes seems almost like an homage to early Asbury Park-era Springsteen. "Bucky the Pig is out on a limb, he's looking for someone to investigate him. I don't know why he never gets anywhere with you." [Frankly, I've never figured out the name of that damn pig; every version of the song sounds a little different. Lucky? Mucky? Plucky?]
Does the song mean anything? Doesn't really matter, you're still stuck singing along. And I've always been totally won over by the bittersweet sunshine behind the couplet: "In this horrible age of abuse and decay, it's good to know that somebody's looking ok." Always brings a smile to my face!
Robyn & partner Emma Swift playing a lovely live acoustic version earlier this year:Always love the Fastbacks' version as well:
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