My Top 1000 Songs #635: Salvador Dali's Garden Party

[I've been writing up my Top 1000 songs on a daily basis--you can see them all in descending order by hitting the All My Favorite Songs tag.]

On 1989's Privilege, long-running fringe act Television Personalities (legendary oddball character Dan Treacy and a revolving cast) added a bit of production polish to their typically lo-fi fare. Treacy's unique flair for sometimes dark, sometimes humorous British whimsy thrives here with some muscle behind it, a rollicking goof packed with keyboards, a flurry of party noise and studio gizmos, that freaky "Greetings!" sample, and a dozen name-checked movie stars. Jack Nicholson was there! Mia Farrow was there!

It's a ridiculous song. More songs should be this ridiculous.
