My Top 1000 Songs #879: Young Folks
[I've been writing up my Top 1000 songs on a daily basis--you can see them all in descending order by hitting the All My Favorite Songs tag.]
One unfortunate impact of the increased segmentation of the music market over the past couple decades is that, sitting here in my enclosed indie rock bubble--or jittery white guy music, as one friend put it, providing the name for this blog & my book--I very rarely have any clue about current popular music. Prior to that, maybe up through my 20s and 30s, while I generally didn't like what was popular, at least I was familiar with it. These days, I'm definitely that old guy reading about the Grammys the next morning thinking, who are these people?
Of course, now & then a relatively popular song still gets through. Maybe I hear it at the gym, or on some tv show, or my kids call my attention to it. "Young Folks," off Swedish band Peter Bjorn and John's 2006 LP Writer's Block, is one that got through. (At least I think it was popular; if not, that was a whole lotta wind-up for very little pay-off.) Anyway, not sure how I first came across it, but it made a lasting impression. It's got a great little groove going, and a mellow club vibe that sounds like it would be fun to hear as you're winding down after a party, or maybe on a Wes Anderson soundtrack. Guest vocals from Swedish singer Victoria Bergsman--oh, plus some whistling--help quite a bit as well.
Also--bonus points for a cool video.
Live 2007:
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