My Top 1000 Songs #730: Turpitude

With the usual caveat that I'm being selective about including songs from the past 5 years to mitigate the risk of recency bias... we're gonna snag ourselves another hot little number from The Paranoid Style, one of my absolute favorite bands of recent years. "Turpitude," off 2019's excellent A Goddamn Impossible Way Of Life, gallops along on a pleasant barroom shuffle and some amiable woo-oo-oohs, a platform for Elizabeth Nelson to wax eloquent about a few highly specific 90s recollections, namedropping everything from the Gingrich revolution to unexpected Trotsky parallels.
"I smoked for the following reasons:
The contract with America.
I smoked because of Pulp Fiction, I smoked because of Mojo Nixon.
And because back then it wasn't rude.
Nowadays I suppose they'd call that turpitude."
