My Top 1000 Songs #716: Georgia

[I've been writing up my Top 1000 songs on a daily basis--you can see them all in descending order by hitting the All My Favorite Songs tag.] 

As noted here on multiple occasions, one of the highest peaks of my musical life has been Yo La Tengo's run of wonderful 90s albums. I just adore the fizzy blend of post-punk bombast and catchy noise-pop and post-Velvets balladry, which, alongside Pavement and a few other artists, really set the tone for that decade for me. So I always wonder why more bands haven't taken a run at that classic YLT style.

Enter British indie band Yuck, whose 2011 self-titled debut revived that 90s indie sound and gave it a post-millennial polish. Single "Georgia" in particular got me hooked, a bracing shoegaze hook with some pretty boy-girl shared vocals on top. It's bubblegum ear-candy played through shattered amps, just the way we like it.

Live 2012:
