My Top 1000 Songs #684: Better

[I've been writing up my Top 1000 songs on a daily basis--you can see them all in descending order by hitting the All My Favorite Songs tag.] 

This little writing project is largely dedicated to songs where I have a very specific recollection of how I came to know & love them, or where they have a very specific personal association for me. 

But sometimes, there are songs with untethered origins, songs you adore but can't quite recall when or how they came into your life, they just happen to be nestled deep in your musical library, and when they come up on shuffle play, you're invariably thinking, Oh, such a nice song, I really like that one!

"Better"--from Regina Spektor's 2006 album Begin To Hope-- is one of those.

Different video:
Lollapalooza 2007:
Live 2017:
