My Top 1000 Songs #600: Wave Of Mutilation

[I've been writing up my Top 1000 songs on a daily basis--you can see them all in descending order by hitting the All My Favorite Songs tag.]

Well, how do you like that? Despite my periodic considerations of dropping this little project, we've made it through about 600 days of music. Will I last another 400? Dunno. 

But it's nice to hit this landmark with some Pixies. It's our second visit to 1989's Doolittle, and it's not too dissimilar from "Debaser" some 583 days ago: buzzsaw guitars, that hallmark loud-quiet-loud dynamic, and at its heart a dark yet infectious pop song beneath the noisy post-punk veneer. Plus, the band gave us a couple listening options, both the rollicking "Debaser"-like fast version on the LP, and a slowed-down reverb-drenched surf-rock b-side alternative version, well-suited to film noir soundtracks. I love the former, but it's nice to mix 'em up a bit to keep it fresh.

UK Surf version:
Live 1989 (UK Surf version):
Live 2017 (fast version, post-Kim):
Kristin Hersh cover (UK Surf):
OK Go acoustic cover:
