My Top 1000 Songs #864: Pink Moon
[I've been writing up my Top 1000 songs on a daily basis--you can see them all in descending order by hitting the All My Favorite Songs tag.]
Did I first hear this song in a 2000 Volkswagen commercial? Yeah, probably. Up to that point, somewhat obscure British folk music wasn't really in my wheelhouse. Maybe Donovan, or some of the unplugged pre-T.Rex Tyrannosaurus Rex, but even that wasn't really my speed. But I did belatedly get around to checking out Nick Drake's catalog, as my aging ears became more open to the sort of music I'd deliberately avoided in my youth--probably stumbled through Joni Mitchell's far more intimidating back catalog around the same time--and found much to love. I'm still mostly a Bryter Layter guy, the baroque pop backing given his gentle folk some wonderful color, but 1972's Pink Moon LP is obviously great in its own right. And that sparse opening title track is pretty captivating, two quick minutes of entrancing acoustic chord changes, the delicate piano that momentarily intervenes, and Drake's somewhere-lost-in-the-woods pained croon.
Robyn Hitchcock, solo acoustic 2010:Beck version:Noisy, thrashing version for the more courageous, courtesy of Sebadoh:And, yeah, that VW commercial...
And Loop!