My Top 1000 Songs #863: Ever Fallen In Love
[I've been writing up my Top 1000 songs on a daily basis--you can see them all in descending order by hitting the All My Favorite Songs tag.]
Buzzcocks' Singles Going Steady collection, one of history's most unassailable "hits" (loosely speaking) compilations, is another record where I could comfortably throw most of its contents up on this list. So I've shown remarkable restraint so far, finally getting around to a third selection. "Ever Fallen In Love" (originally from 1978's Love Bites) may be the purest example yet of what a Top 40 AM radio pop hit would sound like in an alternate universe where everyone had better taste in music. It's all bubblegum hooks and good-love-gone-bad lyrics, like every circa-70s #1 hit should be, but as created by one of the original acts of the punk era. History eventually caught up with the song, which is great, and a little pop culture saturation has done nothing to lessen the song's brilliance.
Top Of The Pops 1978:Live 2018. R.I.P. Pete Shelley.Not a fan of the Fine Young Cannibals' 1988 remake, but if it brings the song (and the Buzzcocks) a little more public attention, I'm all for it.Pete Yorn covers it for a Shrek movie, why not?This 2005 remake supposedly includes everyone from Elton John to Roger Daltrey to Robert Plant to David Gilmour to Peter Hook... but they all end up sounding like Pete Shelley to me, so who knows?
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