My Top 1000 Songs #529: I Had A Dream

[I've been writing up my Top 1000 songs on a daily basis--you can see them all in descending order by hitting the All My Favorite Songs tag.]

Coincidentally good timing here, as the Long Ryders recently reissued their tremendous 1984 long-player debut Native Sons (as a deluxe 3-CD package). It's a wonderful assortment of joyous country rock and Paisley Underground late 60s revivalism; but for all the band's underappreciated genius in ushering in the rise of indie Americana, they were still a blazing post-punk band. This facet shone brightest in the album's single "I Had A Dream." Yeah, you've got that Byrdsy Rickenbacker jangle--but it's anchored by a drop-dead killer riff, making it a rousing fist-pumping anthem, a nice backdrop for the song's hopeful idealism. "I had a dream last night; nobody's crying, nobody's frightened. Still some hope in sight." Preach, brother.

Live, just a couple months back!
