If 20s Were 90s: New Music Mix

Picked up another great new release recently, Bananasugarfire, from Philadelphia indie rockers Golden Apples. It's a great set of noise-pop-ish tunes, shades of 90s indie rock like Pavement with flashes of shoegaze. (I also snagged 2022's self-titled album, equally awesome.) You can find them on Bandcamp.

But it got me thinking about how many of the bands I've gotten into in recent years are unafraid to show the influence of 90s indie rock in their music. Much like a lot of the 80s bands I grew up with were updating familiar 60s sounds (from the psychedelia of Paisley Underground bands like Rain Parade to the Byrds/Velvets revitalization of R.E.M. and the Feelies), the next generation of indie rockers are similarly building on the past. In this case, it's bands like Pavement and the Breeders, and New Zealand "Kiwi Rock" acts like the Clean, showing up in the sonic mix. 

Nice to know that guitar-based indie rock still has a seat at the table.

Anyway, I made a playlist of some favorites. Enjoy!
