My Top 1000 Songs #192: Way Down Now
Not sure why it was; I think I heard World Party's Goodbye Jumbo and it didn't click (I've since come around and enjoy the album, and the rest of the band's work, quite a bit). But the single, which was getting some airplay on MTV's 120 Minutes, was another story: A ridiculously catchy three-chord pop song right in my sweet spot, the sort of song you're helpless not to belt along to in the car or sing in the shower. A lot of Stones in there as well, from the "Satisfaction"-inspired lyrics ("Some faceless git comes on my screen, the most honest man I've ever seen") to the "Sympathy For The Devil"-styled "woo-woos" to Karl Wallinger's Jaggeresque vocal delivery. But it's ultimately that winning, effortless guitar & piano hook that felt particularly exuberant and necessary when I was in the dregs of law school, a cathartic, crank-it-up tune that remained a mixtape essential over all these years.
Live on Letterman:
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